21 thoughts on “JOURNAL # 10

  1. After presenting my first two speeches, I believe I have learned a lot about the fundamental aspects of public speaking and the formation of an effective speech and presentation. I have realized that public speaking is a skill that is obtainable rather then a talent. I always thought I wouldn’t be a good public speaker, in the past I was get really anxious when speaking in front of a crowd. But after learning how to combat that, and getting to experience a recursive process of speech development, I believe my confidence in public speaking has improved greatly. Additionally, I have learned more about how to structure and write a script for a speech, which is just as important as the delivery of the speech itself. In the most recent speech, I was far more comfortable in my ability to present infront of others, and I even found it fun, rather than a nightmare which is how I would have felt in the past. Moving forward in this class, I will try to work on limiting my distracting fidgeting, use of filler words, and slowing down my speaking. I also hope to keep learning from each attempt at a speech, I found it helpful in the second speech to be able to rewatch the video of my presentation of the dry run to find weaknesses and strengths in my public speaking.

  2. Public speaking has many parts then writing a paper and presenting it. Creating an outline with my partner made me realize that there are many different outlines for different kinds of speeches then just the common essay style. It made me realize that there is not one cookie cutter way to create an outline and that different kinds work best for different people. I think both speeches didn’t really impact my confidence. The first speech was easy since it was talking about me. I was interested in the topic and I don’t really get anxious for speeches, but I have not given an important, professional speech yet. The second speech was harder because it was not just me I was relying on but my partner. That did sway my confidence because I have to think about my partner and their feelings about public speaking, however my partner is also great at speeches making me feel confident. Of course I get some jitters prior to my speech. I’m human but not as much as other people, my heart doesn’t pound out of my chest, or my knees don’t buckle. For future speeches I will work on my outline style, eye contact and mumbling skills. I will keep up with my practice prior to the actual speech, and my cool downs to not over stress.

  3. Sydney Pickering
    Jesse Miller
    Journal 10
    After giving these speeches, I feel like I have learned a lot about public speaking. Although I feel pretty confident about my ability to speak in public, I feel like after these two speeches I’ve seen improvements. I was always a pretty confident speaker, but working on a speech with another person made me feel that much better about talking about a topic. I felt like if I were to make a mistake, I would be able to look at my partner and bounce ideas off them. I feel like after being in class with everyone, I’ve learned to become more comfortable in the class. which lets me be more confident when I do give a speech. Moving forward, I think my opinion on public speaking will be a little bit different. I used to think nothing of it, but in reality, I should understand the time it takes to better familiarize myself with the content that I’d be speaking on. When I am better prepared, I feel more confident when presenting my speech. Similarly, I believe I will continue to create good outlines in which I include some minor details that allow me to remember specific details that are important for my speech. Something that I’ll do a little differently when it comes to preparation is practice my speech a bit more, not only for repetition but also to identify which parts of my speech I want to edit more.

  4. After delivering both of my speeches I have learned that, although still difficult, public speaking is not as hard and scary as my head made it seem. It is a skill that takes time to master and is not supposed to be easy. There are a lot of components that go into a speech, that if not done right can ruin it. Going through the process of formulating a draft, practicing on my own time, making revisions, and finally presenting helped in feeling more at ease about the speech that was going to be presented. I am still not fully confident and comfortable in speaking publicly however, I do feel like there is progress being made. Moving forward I will dedicate more time to practicing my speeches and creating a solid outline that will benefit me in remembering major points being made in my speech. I will as well continue to work on my nerves and staying calm throughout the process.

  5. I have delivered many speeches and presentations of all types throughout my time here at UNE. These two speeches that I have completed so far in this introductory course have not so much changed my perspective as they have increased my overall awareness while I am speaking in front of a medium-sized audience. I have, honestly, from these two presentations, gained audience awareness that I did not think I would have picked up prior to the course. Though my confidence has always been rather high in front of people and larger audiences, I definitely feel that it has increased since these speeches were given.
    In terms of my next speaking assignment for this course, I will take the time to practice my outline in front of a mirror or at least in my own head a couple of times before the final delivery. For the most previous speech and the one prior, I have only read the lines on my outline that make me feel comfortable enough to go about giving the final speech, not so much to become fully immersed in the material that I came up with. So, I am basically going to try harder in my future speeches so that I am better equipped to fulfill my speaking potential.

  6. The process of public speaking before delivering 2 already was not the same as how I would portray it now. It’s about being you, being comfortable and not feeling any judgment or care of what people might think of you. Your own creativity shapes how you go about which way you want to express your speech. For me, the alone speech I was shaking the whole time from even before we had actual class. I kept overthinking what people would say, if I stuttered and I have to say it was not one of my best speeches because I knew I could have done better. After being in this class for longer now I’ve begun to think of them as a no judgment zone since we are all in the same boat and trying our best to have a public speaking skill for our futures and careers.When giving the duo speech dry run I was still quite nervous and didn’t know my partner well enough to be myself, now i say hi to her like we’ve been friends forever so that made giving the actual speech so much more easier and fun to do. Moving forward with this class, it’s only up from here, I really have to think how important it is to public speak and how much of an impact it could have on a boss or colleagues decision on picking me for my career, or even as small as giving a wedding toast without feeling anxious or scared.

  7. I think that already from the start of this class to now I have seen an improvement in my public speaking abilities. For the lone wolf speech I was nervous and it was only a 2ish minute speech. From the way I felt about that speech I have learned the importance of a good outline and practice. One thing I tend to do is write out everything I have to say rather than a bulleted outline which causes me to focus on memorizing rather than being in the moment. This first project also made me aware that not everything is going to be something you can memorize the day before. For the second speech, I found working with another person up there to make things a lot easier, it was also easier to have props because you were able to hold those rather than fidgeting. However even with props and another person, I still found that I felt more comfortable being in front of the class and I found my ability to keep eye contact better. I also practiced what I was going to say more thoroughly and created a better outline. I think this second project helped the whole class to feel more comfortable with each other and hopefully that will make future speeches a little easier.

  8. Public speaking is far more organized than what I originally imagined. Usually when I have a presentation in which I must stand up and speak about I just have some note cards with some key words, but nothing close to a rehearsed outline. Now that I have had the chance to experience a solo speech and a collab speech, I can clearly see how impactful rehearsal, dry runs, and preparation of such sorts can really change a speech and the speaker. While working in a group, it is not hard to keep yourself accountable for being prepared for your piece but I have realized I need to also hold myself more accountable when I have to perform on my own. I feel far more confident in speech 2 than I did after speech 1, I feel as though I just need to keep in mind that public speaking does not always come naturally and that I do need to rehearse and take steps to ensure that I can deliver a understandable and interactive speech. For the future, I want to be able to feel more confident in my independent/individual speeches by prepping more seriously and rehearsing with an audience of some sort.

  9. After doing two presentations the process on how I think about public speaking has changed. Not really sure why I never thought presentations or speeches could be not serious and fun. But since I’ve taken two classes that involve speaking in front of a group of people that I don’t know, I’ve gotten better at it. The more I do speeches and go in front of the class and speak, I get more confident but need to still work on my pace on how I talk. Talking way too fast causes me to be anxious and stutter. What I’m gonna work on next assignment is trying to be calm and not worry so much about what others are doing. I’m gonna talk way slower than I normally do and be proud of what I’m talking about. Gonna try and just speak from my mind and be calm like I’m talking to just one person or my friends. I’m outgoing and I’m gonna incorporate it more when I speak in front of people.

  10. Now that I have finished speeches one and two, I am starting to feel more comfortable when speaking in front of people. The process of public speaking as a whole has really made me realize how important public speaking is going to be in the real world. It is an important skill to have in life. Although I still am extremely nervous to go up in front of everyone, being able to give an individual speech and a collaborative speech has pushed my body to be more comfortable. Knowing that the classroom is super positive with feedback, I feel more confident after every speech I give. As I move towards the next major speech, I am going to write a good outline to help me but refrain from overcrowding it with too many words. I feel that I do not rehearse as much as I should out of class, so I want to incorporate more rehearsal for my next speech. This will only benefit me, and it will make me feel more confident when saying my next speech.

  11. After doing both speeches, I feel like I’ve gotten more comfortable speaking in front of our class. I still feel nervous about speaking in general but because we have created such a good community within our class, I feel less overwhelmed when I’m speaking. During the last speech, because I was calmer, I was able to focus on things I wanted to improve. I was stopping myself saying from saying “um” if I remembered, I was focusing on eye contact, and I worked on creating an outline that was more like the examples we read about in our book. I think that as we continue forward in the class, the more I prepare for speeches and the more I push myself to improve when speaking in front of the class, the more confident I will get. My biggest takeaway from the first two projects is that for me, preparation will be the key to my success and will be the best way for me to become a confident public speaker.

  12. After doing both speeches I would say they went pretty well. For the first speech I was definity a little nervious becuase it was my first speech. I also was not very confident in what I was doing becuase I was nevious. How ever the second speech I felt very confortable in becuase it was a topic that I very muxh enjoy talking about. I rehearsed the first one by myself in my dorm, how ever the second one when we did it in front of the class I was much more confident when presenting the final product. My conifdence has gone up, but also I think that, that had something todo with doing the project with a partner. I would rather do a speech with a partner becuase it gives me a second set of eyes and ears to keep me on track and make sure the material is good. One thing I would do dfiferent is try harder to not do the unnessesary umms.

  13. After doing one solo speech and one collab speech in class, I am feeling much more confident about public speaking. I was much more comfortable during the second speech and I am getting more and more comfortable as the semester goes on. I have noticed a big change in my speaking abilities, and I am not feeling as nervous and anxious to speak in front of the class. I found that doing a dry run for speech 2 was very helpful to lessen my speaking anxiety. Recieiving feedback from this was also very useful to help me improve. I am proud of how far I have come in this class, and I hope to keep improving in the future. I found that the collab speech was easier for me, as I feel more confident when I am not standing up there solo. In my next solo speech, I want to stay calm and confident. For our next speeches, I hope to utilize some of the outlines we read about in the book. Practicing is the key to a successful speech, and I will continue to practice for future speeches.

  14. At the beginning of this class I was terrified of what the content was and what it was going to make me do. I have always hated public speaking and hated standing in front of an audience while talking to them. Now since we have delivered two speeches and have done it by ourselves and with partners, I am getting more comfortable with it. This process has made me hate public speaking way less! I think that is a good step of improvement. The first speech I was terrified, but the second speech I was a little more comfortable and confident. Given the second one was with a partner and that helps as well. I have definitely noticed an impact on my sense of confidence because it has grown since speech 1 and the beginning of class. Going into our next major assignment and speech, I believe that I will take this growth of confidence with me and use it. I will keep my voice loud and make good eye contact, but I will also try and use better transitions and stop using spacer words as much. I am interested to see what the next speech will be about and if my confidence will carry over to it.

  15. This process has greatly increased my comfort level with public speaking, the first speech I was quite nervous and shaky when I presented. But that could’ve been due to not knowing which order we were going in when it came to presenting. While in the second speech I was more confident and collected with my thoughts and felt as if my voice and body weren’t as shaky. My confidence has increased and I feel more comfortable around my classmates. We are all learning together on how to speak publicly, and now that I feel that comfort and understanding from others it has really helped me excel. As we move toward our next speech, I think I am going to continue my drafting and outline process the same, that has worked for me thus far and I don’t really see any reason to change. I have been able to coherently understand and line my thoughts up so keeping that up will be very important. For things I do differently as we approach the next project, it would be to have more beginning confidence in myself. Speaking now isn’t my low confidence spot, but picking a topic to talk about to the class is. I think if I believe in myself and my ideas I will feel much better about the speech.

  16. After doing both speeches I feel a lot more confident speaking in front of our class. I liked doing the first speech way more than the second I felt like it was easier to get up and talk about myself rather than something else with somebody else. I enjoyed getting to do a dry run for the second speech well we didn’t do it for the first, I felt more prepared for the 2nd because of this. I liked that during both speeches, the class would give feedback and tell us what they thought for our strengths and weaknesses while resenting or speaking to the class. I feel like it’s easier to do a speech with one person rather than two because you only must base ideas off yourself rather than another person. I think speech #2 helped me learn how to work better with another partner. But when it comes down to my personal preference I would rather work alone. In the next few speeches, I’d like to take stuff from the books that we’ve read in the chapters we’ve read and imply them into my process while building a speech.

  17. Since I have delivered two speeches, one on my own and one with a partner, I have learned a lot about public speaking. I have learned the way that works best for me when it comes to organizing and presenting a speech. Public speaking is a skill that you can get better at with each speech that you do. In high school I didn’t like speaking to the class when it came to presentations. I didn’t enjoy public speaking that much, but now, because of the army and what we have done so far in this class I enjoy it. Before delivering my first speech, I was a little nervous, but with all the feedback I have gotten after my two speeches and how well I did with them, I feel a lot more confident in myself. A couple of things that have worked for me is brainstorming a few topic ideas before settling for just one. Moving forward for the next assignment I will continue to do this as well as make a phrase or key word outline for each speech as I have learned that this outline allows me to give a great speech while maintaining eye contact. Something I want to work on for my next assignment is to try to use less filler words as well as make sure I slow down my speaking so the audience can understand more.

  18. I have a fairly extensive background with public speaking, as compared to most college students. These usually consist of topics or skills that I learned and have been practicing for multiple years; although it is essentially the same thing (one is teaching the most effective way to eat on the UNE campus and the other is teaching how to conduct patrol base operations) it feels very different to me. I don’t have to rehearse to the extent I have for speeches in this class. I rarely get anxious or the subconscious autopilot that I did in my first speech. And I’m frequently moving around when I teach these lessons because I’m actively conducting a walkthrough of the skill, which unfortunately happens in most public speaking I do. I could see an impact on my confidence from the first to the second speech; especially since I didn’t go into autopilot, which is a significant improvement to me. In the first speech, I worried too much about the rope-memorization like a script, rather than relying on my outline. I would like to work on creating better outlines in the future.

  19. After delivering the first two speeches I actually do see a bit of a very little bit of a difference and I had actually even brought that up in my last journal post. I feel as though I am becoming a bit more confident in, I don’t know if I would call it my speaking “skills”, but purely “to” speak. More often than not I still trip over my words, and use vocabulary that gives me chills while I’m trying to sleep at night, and just completely regret speaking. But none the less I have been participating, or attempting to at least, in the discussions around me on day-to-day basis. These speeches, the previous more than the former, has really shown me an importance for preparation and the development of familiarity with all the content you are delivering in the exact manner how you want to deliver it. I use to have an idea of public speaking as just remembering some lines then regurgitating them back to an audience on cue, but I am learning fast it’s a much more nuanced art than that. I think in my next speech I’m going to really lean into the development process and preparing my next speech. I need to slow down and not try to merely get the process over with and instead be present and really make it a main focus. Another thing I’m going to do differently is trying to play off my spacing instead of getting caught up on it as dead air.

  20. I think this process has affected the way I think of public speaking through the concept of delivery. The delivery process for a speech that’s delivered alone is extremely different than a speech that is delivered with another person. By having another person to bounce ideas off of, you’re able to feel more confident in your speech. As we move forward with our next major public speaking assignment, I think I will continue to plan ahead with my outlines. Being able to know that I had everything in advance gave me less stress to deal with. I think I will also continue to feel confident in my public speaking ability, as this also reduces stress for this class.

  21. Public speaking for me personally is a lot easier by myself. Although speaking with a partner is sometimes more comfortable since you can bounce off someone and you don’t have to talk the entire time, I believe that knowing what points will be said, and being able to stick to your own pace, is a much more effective way of giving a speech which I prefer. For the next speech, I definitely am excited about it since it’s about someone special to you, and I’m excited that we’re doing these alone too so it can be more personal. I liked gaining the experience of doing a public speaking speech with a partner, but I definitely have more background in doing speeches on my own and I tend to feel more comfortable when it’s just me on stage. I haven’t noticed any impact to my confidence level, I think it stays the same for the most part, if I had to choose I’m definitely more confident when I’m a lone wolf. Don’t get me wrong, having a partner has it’s benefits, but for me, as I reflect, I’d say I look to continue to stay comfortable, stay confident when I’m up there and do the best I can no matter if I’m alone, standing next to one, two, three people, I just look to continue to try my best to present the best speech possible.

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